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105th Leavenworth County Veterans Day Observance
2024 LV County Veterans Day Parade

Chaplain Gary Thomas Sanford
(Colonel, Ret. US Army)

Better known locally as "Pastor Sam"
(January 20, 1943 - December 11, 2023)
Sanford 2.jpg

Gary Thomas Sanford (“Sam”) was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota to Gene and Melvina Sanford.  He was the oldest of three children, sister Gayle (John) and brother Ron (Vicki).  His father was a WWII Army Veteran and a Vocational Shop Teacher.  His mother was a housewife.  He grew up very involved in school sports, church, and outdoor living, Chaplain Sanford served as an Evangelical Free Church chaplain in the U.S. Army since 1970.  His favorite scripture was (II Timothy 4:7) “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”


Civilian Education

University of Minnesota – BS Zoology 1965

Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota – M.Div. 1970

Military Education

Chaplain Basic Course – 1970

Chaplain Advance Course – 1977

Clinical Pastoral Course – 1980-1981

Command And General Staff Course – 1984

Division Chaplain Course – 1987

U.S. Army War College – 1991

Post Chaplain Course – 1995

Military / Federal Assignments

1965-67 MEDDIC 5501 U.S. Army Hospital, Ft. Snelling, MN

1967-70 Chaplain Candidate

1970-71 Hospital and Stockade Chaplain, Ft. Leonardwood, MO

1971-72 Chaplain, T/IT* Cavalry, Anson, Republic of Vietnam

1972-74 ADA Chaplain, 18 ADA Group, Oakdale, PA

1974-77 Asst BDE Chaplain, 3rd BDE, 1* AD, Bamberg, Germany

1978-82 DIVARTY Chaplain, 1st CAV., Ft. Hood, TX

1982-85 Brigade Chaplain, 1S BDE, 3AD, Kirchgoens, Germany

1984-87 Brigade Chaplain, 1°BDE, 5TM MECH, Ft. Polk, LA

1987-89 Deputy Division Chaplain, Ft. Polk, LA

1989-91 Division Chaplain, 1°CAV., Ft. Hood, TX and Saudi Arabia

1991-94 Post Chaplain Ft. Belvoir, VA

1994-97 Post Chaplain, Ft. Leavenworth, KS

1997-2000 18 MEDCOM Chaplain, Seoul, Korea

2000-2023 Chaplain, Dwight D. Eisenhower VA Medical Cr., Leavenworth, KS



Gravestone Military – LM, MSM, ARCOM, AAM

                 Col. US Army – Vietnam, Persian Gulf


Sam’s wife, Linda, of 55 years, is an artist and works as a pastor’s wife and missionary to Ukraine.  Sam and Linda have five children; Heidi, Leif (Beth), Hans, Klaus (Shannon) and Franz (1981-86).  They have twelve grandchildren; Robbie (Kat), Sam, Grace, Erick, Leona, Zach, Garrett, Lyla, Sophia, Micah, Brooke, and Henry.   They also have two great-grandchildren, Natalia and Reid.


Sam and Linda started the “Rock of Ages Evangelical Free Church in Leavenworth, KS, which he pastored from 2001-2023.  Throughout this time, Sam also served in Prison ministry, Lions Club, VFW, Special Olympics, and Pointman Ministries.  Sam was known for his joy for life, storytelling, and his unbelievable servant’s heart.  He faithfully and tirelessly served God through amazing generosity and service to those in need.  Sam was well known across the Army for his “Moses stick” or “God Rod” which he used throughout his career to encourage troops to always fight the good fight and keep their faith in Jesus.  Sam’s life was a true testimony of someone being the hands and feet of God serving his community.


Obituary link

Obituary | Gary Thomas Sanford | Davis Funeral Chapel, Inc (


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